Monday, January 7, 2008

Day 74

I am very happy to report that Baby Girl is doing much better this morning. When we left her last night, she was all the way up to 41% on the vent but with frequent suctioning, she is now at 25%. 21% is where she would be breathing room air and won't need the vent anymore. However, if she does have RSV she will need to keep the vent in for a while because they need for her to have a tube in to get the secretions out. She can't cough up the gunk on her own and nose suctioning will have little use. I'm not thrilled with the idea of her being on the vent when she doesn't need it to breathe but it's necessary at this point.

Her nurse (Mary, one of my favourites) said that if she does have RSV, we should prepare for a long week since she will be on the vent but know that they're taking good care of her. We're grateful that we didn't take her home without monitors and therefore wouldn't know that she was having spells. It would have been so much worse. Of course, we don't want her to be sick at all but she's in good hands.

We will have test results by this afternoon.


eleventhirtysix images said...

While obviously it's not great, praise God for a possible answer! Sydney is going to continue to do great... she just hit a bump in the road. Hang in there, mom and dad!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Allison. She is going to do just fine after this little hurdle.

Anonymous said...

In the grand scheme of things this really is one of the more short term reasons for her breathing problem. I'm sooooo glad to see that her head ultrasound was okay!!! Hang in there Mom & Dad... Little Miss Fancy Pants will be back on track real soon :hug:

Anonymous said...

Get better soon, Sydney! (((Niki & Brian)))

Lexusv said...

Glad to read the lil miss is doing better, and praying that she continues on this path.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear Sydney is doing better!

Janis said...

Glad to hear things are better and that you will get some answers one way or the other today. She really is determined to teach you patience, isn't she?

Toya P said...

Hugs for all three of you. I can't imagine how taxing this must be on you mentally, but know that God is great and He is your strength. I read Proverbs 3 verses 5+6 last night and thought of you guys, hang on to it, hang on to all of God's Word and continue to speak it over yours and Sydney's lives.
Love ya.