Thursday, November 22, 2007

Evening Update

Sydney's heartrate has been consistently elevated all evening. The doctors and nurses prefer her to be in the 160s and she was in the high 190s. She also spent a lot of time in the 200s and got up as high as 221 at one point. She was running a mild fever earlier in the day but that went away so they're not sure what's going on. They have run all kinds of tests on her and everything is perfectly fine. No sign of infection or anything.

They also say she's not acting sick or showing any other sign of a problem besides the heart rate. Her X-ray today was even better than the one yesterday too. She's very active, tolerating all her feeds and peeing and pooping. They're pretty stumped at this point.

I think they are going to do another EKG as well and we should get the results on those tomorrow.

It was very scary watching her heart rate go crazy when she looked absolutely fine. We'll be praying.


Toya P said...

We will be praying too. God is able to do above all that we could ever ask or even think, and we expect great news. Hope you guys gave Sydney a turkey leg for Thanskgiving!

Janis said...

She's obviously mad because she didn't get any cheesecake.

Lizz said...

Ima need Sydney's heart to simmah down nah.

Lexusv said...

She was just excited to see her momma and daddy and granny. Praying that she will be fine, and the heart rate to be normal yesterday (claim those things as if they already were) Hope you found some peace and joy yesterday in spite of...
