Sunday, November 18, 2007

Day 24!!

Sydney continues to improve and is doing better today than she was yesterday. Last night, the doctor who was on call told us that she had a lot of thick mucus (sorry, tmi) in the back of her throat and that was contributing to her oxygen saturation problems. She can't cough or "clear her throat" on her own so they have been suctioning her more frequently and it has been helping.

The doctor was Jamaican and he's had her a couple times before. He calls her "Shorty" or "Shawty", to be exact and he talks to her like she's 5 years old. :rofl: He says he likes her because she understands patois (Jamaican dialect) and she's feisty. He's soo good with her and is very attentive to her needs. We are so happy with the way all the doctors and nurses care for her.

Her weight remains unchanged, which is good since they expected her to lose again because they started her on diuretics again yesterday. Feedings are the same and her oxygen dependence is waning. Woot!


Lexusv said...

Good news for Sydney. She knows kinfolk ;o) Praying that she continues to do well.


Toya P said...

"Shawty" -Lol! Of course she would respond to the Jamaican dialect, it's in her blood. Glad all is well, and look forward to more great news.

Tillie'sMom said...

I love the doctor