Friday, November 9, 2007

28 weeks!!

Her vital sign monitor that keeps track of all her important stuff.

Bald Patch!! She lost some of her hair, which is normal. She doesn't like her limbs being restricted and her little hands are always clutching something. That's her feeding tube.

Apparently we were talking too much, so she covered her ears. The nerve! :laugh:

She ALWAYS has her feet hanging out of her bed. A lot of preemies like being swaddled and curled up as they were in utero. Not her. She's such a busy little girl.

Blood Pressure Cuff!! It really does look like an oversized bandaid.

Remember you can click on any picture to view it larger.


DL White said...

*squeal* She has so much personality already! Sweet baby girl. Eat up! Grow big and fat!

Anonymous said...

She's doing so well! :love:

Niki, do they keep the room humid or do they do anything to help her skin?


Niki said...


Her skin is MUCH too sensitive for them to use anything on it. She's gonna shed the top layer of skin many more times before she comes home. The nurses and doctors assure us that we will surprised by how much her skin changes and softens as she grows.

Bring on the baby fat!

Anonymous said...

yes nikki, she definately will have beautiful skin. ami's skin was just like that. nothing is needed right now. as a matter of fact they told me that the scalier it is the more beautiful it will be.

Anonymous said...

but sydney,
you look like u jus hanging out. if it were not for the tubes u could look like you are on the beach. keep growing girl. just let it all hang out. love susan, annalise, amaris, rohan.

Anonymous said...

:heart: She is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

she is soo adorable..i can't wait to meet and hold her.
Auntie Tash:)