Wednesday, February 27, 2008

4 month shots

Sydney received half of her 4 month immunizations today and so far, she's handling it well. I can't believe 2 months have passed since she got the first set! She has more than doubled her weight since then so we don't expect her to be too tired/cranky this time around. She will get the other half next week. The doctor doesn't like to give preemies the whole thing at once since they are so much smaller than your average 4 month old. I was planning to suggest it to her anyway so I'm glad we were on the same page. Ms. Thang let out one scream when she felt the needle and that was it. No tears and no more crying. She got a little fussy on the way home but after getting a dose of Tylenol and having her lunch, she was smiling away until she fell asleep. Thank God.

We also did bloodwork on Monday to check that her anemia of prematurity is going away. Most (if not all) micro preemies suffer from short-term anemia because babies in utero don't really start storing substantial iron until much later in pregnancy. Anyway, her bloodwork came back perfect this time. Woot! The doctor also confirmed that her heart and lungs sounds great.

She now weighs 9lbs 3oz. Yes, that means she gained 14 oz in 5 days, :eek: I'm pretty sure we're not over feeding her and I have actually been erring on the side of feeding her only when she is ready. We're not on much of a schedule anymore (I'm pretty sure the hospital doctors wouldn't want to hear that) but I do make sure she doesn't go too long without eating. The doctor was surprised by the gain but not concerned. I think we may soon stop fortifying her food since she's gaining so fast now.

Have I ever mentioned that God is good? Well, in case I didn't...know that He is.

1 comment:

Kiwi said...

Syd is such an amazing testimony of God's goodness and love to/for us.