Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Day 62

Little Miss weighs 4lbs 3oz this morning! She's more active than she was 2 days ago and all her vital signs and bodily functions are great. Her feedings are still at 32ccs and she's took about 5ccs from a bottle at her last feeding. I'm soo ready to be over this cold so I can go feed her myself!

Her cranial ultrasound was done this morning but the radiologist hasn't looked at it yet so we will get those results this afternoon.

Thank you so much for your prayers.


Toya P said...

My goodness,she is gaining so well!

Jayan said...

You keeping growing little miss.. Lots of love and prayers going to you and mommy and daddy.

Janis said...

I am ready for you to be over your cold too.