Monday, December 3, 2007

Latest Developments

Sydney had a routine head ultrasound this morning. It showed that she has some fluid on her brain that could be caused by a blockage or her body producing more than she needs. The doctor is sending the film to the team of neurologists who will take a look and decide what steps they want to take, if any. Some babies outgrow the problem in time and some do not, so they want to monitor her closely and make sure that her head is not growing faster than it should be. So far her head circumference is on target with where they want it to be and it's not growing at an alarming rate.

I think the doctor knocked the wind out of us with this one. We certainly didn't see it coming. We won't know what the neurologists decide for a few days so we will keep you all posted.

She is now completely on the nasal cannula and is tolerating it well. Everything else is great too.

1 comment:

Lexusv said...

Praying for lil miss Sydney!
