Monday, September 8, 2008

Where did my sedate little baby go?

In the last 3 weeks or so, Sydney has become a whole new baby. She went from being tranquil and calm and sedate to being nosey and busy and loud in no time at all. I'm loving see her learn new things everyday although it means I can't do anything in peace anymore. The child is all over everything I'm doing all the time. If I'm on my laptop, and she's sitting beside she starts climbing all over me and bangs the keyboard. If I'm studying, she's turning pages and crumpling sheets.

So far, I've been able to restrain her but there is one battle that she is still waging. Napping. I would love for someone to explain to me how she can sleep like a PERFECT angel at night (about 11 hours) but will not nap during the daytime. You will recall that we fought this war months ago and she was doing fine. Then she discovered that life is just too interesting for naps and started fighting them again. I was able to get her napping beside me while I study but even that is not working anymore. She ONLY wants to sleep on a person during the daytime. If she falls asleep on any one of us and we attempt to put her down, it's all over. She'll stay awake and whine and fuss the entire time. She clearly wants to sleep but just will not settle down. There was one day last week where she actually napped in her bed for 2.5 hours and then 1.5 hours the following day but nothing since then.
It's just so puzzling because we don't do anything differently at bedtime and she will go right to sleep. No fuss, no resistance. Nothing.

Where's Super Nanny when I need her?


Mashel said...

I don't want to laugh, but try having two! ha ha, I know exactly what you mean.

Dianna said...

Wow 11 hours at night?? I would take that over naps any day! Josh sleeps from 8pm - 5am. He takes a morning nap, but fights the afternoon one. Sometimes he fights both. He is too busy as well. I have no suggestions for you though I do feel your pain! She looks amazing Niki. We are so blessed!

Unknown said...

As a non-parent let me just drop my two cents in -

cent #1 maybe the reason she sleeps so well at nights is because she's not napping in the day and vice versa

cent #2 super nanny (aka me) shall be there in due course

due course of course being if I EVER get back a visa