Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dear Friends and Family,

As you all know, I've basically been on house arrest since I left the hospital 16 months ago. Between RSV seasons and the doctors' need for me to maintain good health, I haven't had much of a social life at all. Well, it seems like all that has changed and I'm not sure I can keep up. Mommy and Daddy say they want me to do "regular kid stuff" and have all these activities planned...I've left the house every day for the last 14 days!

Hold me.

Last Friday, Mommy took me to story time at the library and honestly, I was simply shocked to find that there are other babies in the world! You mean the world doesn't revolve around me? I don't even want to think about it. :cry: Those pesky babies tried befriending me but I just stuck close to my Mommy and played with her purse instead. The stories were cool but I don't see why I had to leave my house just for that. We did some dancing and I really, really loved that! Dancing is my favourite thing ever so I kept dancing even when the singing was over. When it was over, some babies told me "bye-bye" and one even gave me a hug but I stuck to my convictions and didn't speak to them. Maybe they won't take me there again but I hear a rumour that I will be going weekly.

Save Me.

Today was my favourite day of all! We went to a park and man oh man, it was sooo much fun! I rode a pony and at first I was scared but then I got the hang of it and it was great!

Then I went on a swing.

I have one question.

Where have those things been all my life????

I.was.just.beside.myself with glee!!

If you can tune out Mommy's cackling, you will hear my excitement in this video. It amazes me how easily I can entertain her. She sounds like she was having as much fun as I was!

Yes...that is exactly how I laugh. :D

I hear there's a trip to the beach in my future. I'm not sure what this is but man, I'm exhausted! Having fun is hard work!

Do me a favour and make sure my parents pace themselves, ok?



Angie said...

:love: I'm so glad she get's to do this stuff now. Truth be told though I've never taken Bella to the park. :hide:

Lizz said...

Oh my goodness her little chuckle!!!!

So cute. Sophia had her first swing ride last week. Yeah. Big hit.

Anonymous said...

AwwwwWWWW Syd! I'm glad you're out and about and having loads of fun!
even though your mom seems more excited than you are! =D

Love ya tonnes!
-Auntie Tash

Anonymous said...

I didn't want to annoy you but I've been sitting in a darkened room sweating and shaking from blog withdrawal. Fix attained! Whew!

Sydney's my favourite :D Not even nomads keep moving 14 days in a row, so you go girl! She'll warm up to the other kids in no time. Can't WAIT for beach pics!

Hiccup/giggle/laugh = adoooooorable. Mommy will soon learn to contain her excitement *smirk*

Love, love, love
-Auntie Trish

Niki said...

Tricia and Tasha, I resent that!! I only sound so loud because the mic is toward me and not her.She was loving it just as much as I was!! :p

Janis said...

Dear Sydney,
I know what you mean about house arrest. Glad you could get out and enjoy the park. That is our favorite place in the whole world. p.s. No leash??? We're coming to live with YOUR mom!
Janis's Dogs

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said...

Oh gosh, too adorable in that swing! How fun that you get to go out now and do these things with her!