Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's a big, big day!!

No, I'm not talking about the Super Bowl. Do people still watch that? 

I kid. I kid. 

Today, my friends, is my original due date and Sydney Crankypants is one year adjusted and it shows. The past week has been quite interesting in our house and she's become this strong willed, temper having child, seemingly overnight. As far as babies go, she's still very happy and playful but man oh man, the kid will make sure you know when's she's displeased. No, I have no idea where she gets that from. This week has been a real battle of wills and she's been introduced to Mean Mommy and Discipline Daddy a time or two. I (foolishly) have been allowing her to play with my cell phone in the past few weeks and she will take it now and say, "Ha (hi) Dada!" and have a grand old time. The problem arises when I try to take it from her to actually use it. I took it away and the child threw herself on the floor and had herself a MAJOR fit.II'm talking screaming, foot kicking, and fighting me to get it back.  Exqueeze me?? Does she not know her Mama?? She's done it a few more times too, complete with pouting. I'm amazed how babies know to do these things without seeing anyone else do it. 

We've been having some sleep regression too but I think it's mainly due to the ever loving teeth that have been trying to appear for the past month or so. I wish teeth would just show up and stop being such a pain. Ugh. 

We had a little "celebration" to mark the special day and of course, there are pics. Only one more year until doctors stop using her adjusted age to track her development. 

We forgot to use this candle on her actual birthday (can you say lame?) so we used it today. :D

I was trying to get a good pic of her shirt and that meant laying her down. She is not a fan of being still these days so she was not.happy. 
Still not happy
I have to act like a circus monkey to get her to stop moving and look at me. If she's not in her high chair, she's on the move. 
I tried combing her hair and she also was not amused by that. I gave her the brush to get her to stay still.

One day you'll be able to eat a whole apple baby. 
Licking it will work until then


Anonymous said...

I've been checkin the blog all day!! :P "Happy Birthday" Sydney!!

MMMmmmmm Cake!! ur so cute!!

Love you sweetie pie(L)

-Aunty Tash

Anonymous said...

Love her! Happy adjusted bday little mama!

Anonymous said...

Sydney is ADORABLE!!! what a big girl.

Tiffany B.

Janis said...

She's such a big girl! *cry*
I don't know where she gets that sassy 'tude.

Jessi said...

What a special day - looks like she had a great time!