Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun Fact Friday!!

  • Sydney is the slowest eater in the world. The kid chews every bite at least 32 times and meal times are forever and a day around here. Experts say people who eat slowly recognize when they're full sooner, so I guess that's a good thing in the long run. She's also easily distracted when she eats and stops to chat and clap and be nosey everytime. 
  • It is possible for a person 1/5th your size to eat their food and half yours too, even if they do it slowly.
  • I've tried giving her other phones to play with besides mine but she's not the least bit interested. I need to find her a toy phone exactly like mine for her. She is fixated on it
  • "The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention, is to sit down and look comfortable." - Lane Olinghouse. I have no clue who Lane Olinghouse is but she (or he?) speaks  the truth!
  • It's my baby sisters birthday - Tricia and Tasha. They're two years about and have the same birthday. They're like grown women now and so old, which just means I'm older. *sigh* Anyway, I went to the trouble of posting pics only because one of them requested it. Happy Birthday Aunties!!!

She sits and plays in her pack and play whenever I need to get something done, like vacuum ory you know, use the bathroom in peace

1 comment:

Kiwi said...

SOOO adorable!
Such large, bright, beautiful eyes
and all those teeth! :D