Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes, She Can

History would have been made last night,  regardless of who won the election. If the McCain/Palin ticket won, we would have had our first female Vice President. The Obama/Biden ticket won and now we have our first black President - 45 years after Dr King's "I Have a Dream" speech.  My daughter is both female and black now she knows for sure that she can be or do ANYTHING. She absolutely can.

God Bless America. 


Jessi said...

Absolutely. Look how much she has accomplished already!

abby said...

I think Dr King and Bobby Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln and everyone else out there who dared to hope that change was possible and that civil rights were something all of us should enjoy and who gave their lives for those causes are smiling down today.

And, yes, hope does have an extra special personal connotation for those of us who dared to hope against hope that our children would survive...and survive to see this day.